

It was around 8 AM, there was no one at the gate and it was open. A stranger told me to just walk in because it was open but I left a dirham with a note, just in case (entry fee).

It was a bit humid, but the air was incredibly fresh. I’m pretty sure I’m not being biased but it phsyically made me feel better. I settled at a bench, read my book and listened to music. Some humans were there doing their morning walks (mostly mothers pushing strollers whilst simultaniously powerwalking). An old couple sat at a bench, with rice & bread for birds/piegons.

A man in a sharp suit walked around, and it seemed pretty obvious that this must be where all these corporate humans around this park come to? A couple of minutes later, I notice he has a plastic bag, and he was going around the park, looking for humans that water this glorious place, giving them juice boxes & sandwiches for breakfast.

It was one of the nicest things I’ve seen in a long time.